Sunday, October 5, 2008

Beautiful Words in The Back of My Bible...

So every once and a while when I hear something that gets to me, or I read something, or (my personal favorite) God tells me something, I run fast and hard to either my little purple Bible, or my notebook to write it down before I forget. I love reading these things. I love everything about them. Each and everyone of them, whether they still get to me, or it was something in the past that had something to do with my past. It's just amazing to me how God communicates...

So I decided to put most of them on here... and yes... I am TOTALLY aware that some make me sound like an idiot, but I like those ones too. =P

"I have a fitted place in God!!!"

"God is more concerned about what is on the inside."

"Draw near to God and He will draw near to you."

"The devil cannot tell the truth. All he can do is lie."

"The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire!"

"All things are possible through God, but are you really trying?!?! Or are you just waiting for Him to do it all?"

"Maybe, what you're going through is just a reminder that you aren't home here."

"Serving makes more things possible."

"If we don't ever need help from anyone... than why isn't life perfect?"

"There is a power greater than sin: Holiness."

"The truest treasure is knowing God. The more time you put into something, the more valuable it becomes to you."

"Our future is in our hands. It relies on us!"

"The devil do not care about your stuff, he's not after your stuff, he's after you."

"Everything we think 'disqualifies' us, are in fact the things that 'qualify' us."

"Jesus should be our master. Not our mascot."

"Be the different."

"Loss of focus destroys purpose."

"Winning is doing what God called us to do."

"You spiritually DIE when you lose hope or give up."

We have a reason for being where we are. God purposely allows us to be where we are."

"Pray for future generations."

"Don't get old, just stay on fire as you live longer."

"Everyone has their very own lane that no one else can run in, a lane leading to your destiny."

"Shut the back door of the church."

"We each have a job."

"Make God plan A. Make no plan B."

"We are God's spiritual search and rescue team."

"If we are called to make a difference in our school, and we don't... then who will?"

"A whole generation is arising that doesn't know God. It is up to those who do know God to change that."

"We have to pay our own price. Our generation's price."

"This is our time. If it wasn't... we would have been put in a different time."

Call something what it is. Call something what the Bible calls it."

"Change isn't change until you change."

"Know why you are in the church."

"Don't need to be saved over and over."

"God warns of laziness."

"Life is not a dress rehearsal."

"We can get stuck on the pain, and we can get stuck on the victory. Either way,m we have to keeping moving."

"Don't give satan more ground that he already has."

"God is more correct than the media."

"If you see it, you can have it. But you have to see it first."

"Most of our mouths a line themselves with the past."

"You become what you say, you get what you say."

"So speak what the Lord says."

"Some of the greatest gifts you can give to God are your first fruits."

"Jesus is God. God is love. Jesus is love."

"When we hit rock bottom, but we are still alive, that means love has won."

"We are on hold. Might as well enjoy the music."

"Everything is going to work out. Just trust in God and do your best. Get excited for what God is going to do with you to save and change lives forever!"

"He [God] can tell you how much money you have, and how much you will get, and how much you will lose. But that's not how He measures your worth. He measures your worth by your words, actions and values."

"You mean more than the world to God."

"Why is out country rich? For some reason, we are one of the richest countries in the world. We are also one of the only free countries... why?"

"Exchange, respond, repeat."

"It's not the healthy that need a doctor. It's the sick."

"Mercy triumphs over judgment."

" God is more concerned about who you are, than what you've done."

"Many people take the gifts from God for granted because they are exposed to them and they are available everyday. Then there are those who value and cherish the gifts because they know that they may only be able to touch them once in their lifetime."

"Trust the author of your life story... rather than the characters who have no idea what's going on."

"No one can live your future but you."

"Not only did Jesus die for our sins, but He also rose again as a victory over our sins."

"My friends now will determine the direction and quality of my life."

"The clock doesn't stop when you fall in the mud."


"Those who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones who do."

Alrighty then... there are... a lot more... pages and pages more... but they can wait.