Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Community Outreach!

Every Tuesday night, three Phase II students, including myself, get to lead a group of DTS students in ministry, serving Confluence Ministries near Downtown Denver. Every week since the 9th of October we have had this privilege of driving down being prepared for anything because our service changes by the week! And every week, as we surrender the night to God for His will to be done through us, our minds are blown with His presence and His power, and His love!
Yesterday, we had a group of four DTS students, three Phase II students (we lead the outreach every week) and one staff member to drive us. When we got down to west downtown Denver, we met up in the confluence building an prayed about what we were to do. So we prayed and we all got different things but in three categories. Three people felt like they were supposed to head down a certain street, two people felt lead to stay and intercede in the building, then one if the girls kept getting the image of McDonalds but thought it was just her. But then Stephen, our staff member said, semi-jokingly, "Dee! You should go to McDonalds and buy someone's food!" Dee freaked out and told us that she was feeling McDonalds and didn't know why! So we split into three groups. Stephen and Megan stayed and prayed over the building of Confluence ministries, Mats, Brielle and Malia prayer walked the streets, and Ben, Dee and I went to McDonalds! While we were praying, I felt like we were supposed to split into three groups, and God said that I was to follow and lead from behind. So I was to take up the slack, but it was my job to nudge the students forward. So I went to McDonalds because the other two PII leaders got clear answers on where to go. On out way, Dee told us that she's never payed for anyone for anything before but she had $10 in her name and she felt like God wanted her to bless someone by buying their food. So we got to McDonalds. While we were walking in I saw and old man with dark eyes and instantly God put him on my heart, but I was the follow up, not the initiator this time. So I greeted him and we went in. We stood and stared at the menu for a long while, waiting for anyone to come up and order food. After waiting semi-patiently, a man came up from behind us and went to the counter. I saw him and it was the old man from outside! I knew instantly that I was him so I turned and looked at my two students with a huge smile and I said, "Dee! What about him? Is that him?" And she looked at me as if she had been waiting for that last little push. So she went. The look on the cashier's face and the old man's face was beautiful. Dee paid and the old man walked over to wait for his food. While he was waiting I wanted so badly to ask if we could sit with him but I was the follow up. This wasn't my job tonight. Both students felt lead to sit and pray. So we went to a to a table and read some Bible and prayed. All the while I was laughing because the Holy Spirit filled me with joy during acts one conference and I have basically been laughing since then anytime the Spirit is moving. Dee caught it too and also started laughing and suddenly, as if he's been waiting for something specific to happen, Ben stood up and said, "I'm going to go sit with that man!" I was so ready for him to go that I just said thank you when he told us. Hahah so he went and sat with the man, Phil. Dee and I started interceding and while we were interceding, God opened both of our eyes to another lonely person. I looked at Dee and said said, "Do you think I..." And before she could finish I said, "yes. Go!" So she went and sat with this lady who turned out to be a pagan named Piper. While Dee and Ben were making friends, I say and read my Bible, praying and laughing because He is so good! I asked God what He wanted me to do because they weren't anymore lonely people. I noticed there was a ton of trash and I thought about cleaning it up but I certainly didn't want to offend the workers. So I sat and prayed some more. One of the workers came out not to long after noticing the trash and he began cleaning up. When he walked past my table I thank him and told him that he was doing a great job. He thanked me and continued cleaning. A little later, he came and sat across from me and said, "I probably shouldn't do this because I'm working. But I really didn't want to come into work today but I had to. But since I'm here, will you please pray for my family?" Tears welled up in his eyes as I eagerly agreed to pray for him. I asked if there was anything specific and as the tears filled up, he simply asked for me to pray for his mom and his brothers. I assured him I would pray. His name tag said Joshua but he went by Josh. I don't know if I'll ever forget the desperation and brokenness in His eyes when he asked. And then the tint of hope and peace when he walked away. At this point, it was already 8:19 and we were supposed to meet back at the building at 8:15. So I went over to Dee and Piper, Dee, knowing that meant it was time to wrap up. So we prayed with Piper and then she asked Dee if she was still accepting donations for her outreach to Cambodia, Dee said yes and Piper handed her $20. Twice as much as Dee came with and had dedicated to God. We cleared Piper's table and as the lady left, Dee and I just looked at each other, completely astonished! Then I went to Ben and Phil and as Phil was finishing up his last story, I couldn't help but notice to light in his eyes!! They were so blue and bright! Not like they had been when we walked past him outside. God was there with us, and with Phil! We asked if we could pray for Phil and he told us that he didn't think even Billy Graham could fix what he's going through. I told him that even though Billy Graham might not be able to, that God was more than able. Phil thanked us so much for our presence and for blessing him with food and with a listening ear, and he walked out. What an incredible night!!!!!

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