Friday, August 8, 2008

I Had A Dream!

So I have many dreams, there are normally funny, and pointless... much like the majority of the one I had last night.
I was just at a swimming pool and I was swimming around in my clothes... shoes and all.
There was no point to that.
But I got out... and God started speaking to this one guy. He had no idea what was going on. He did something to where I ended talking to him about it. He says that the way God spoke to him was not how imagined... so he doubted it was God. He talked to me about how God's voice sounded."It's not how other people have heard Him speak," he said to me.
From that I went on to how I believe that God's speaks to each person in a different way. Some ways are similar, but, like fingerprints (which God made...). There are no two fingerprints exactly alike.
So when God speaks to us... He speaks in a way picked just for us. It has OUR fingerprint on it. No one else gets that exact approach.
God came down to the man in my dream and His voice was strong and bold. The man never told me what God said other than, "I am God." So apparently, that is what the man (that my head created) needed to hear.
I laughed out loud at this dream when I woke up... because my friend what telling me about a dream he had, an he said something beautiful in it. I was jealous because I had never said anything intelligent in any of my dreams.
So God decided to prove me wrong.

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