Tuesday, July 29, 2008

One Blindfold At A Time...

I was talking to my friend today about how God reveals life to us.
He mentioned that a blindfold had been removed, be he could still not see clearly.
I thought about this... probably a lot deeper than he meant it to mean.
I feel as if... we have many blindfolds on as we're growing older, but the opacity is low, making each blind fold partially transparent.
Each blindfold is removed by God through our experiences; victories, as well as failures.
As each one is removed, the end seems a little clearer.
But I think that as each on is removed, other blindfolds may appear.
As new things come up in our lives, a blindfold is added.
Blindfolds that may partially hide something new.

I imagine it kind of as if you had a box of transparencies, (the clear papers that are used on over head projectors) and at the bottom of the box, there is a beautiful picture.
Every time you remove a transparency from the box, you can see a little more of the picture.
The lines, colors and shapes become clearer each time.
I think it's the same in life, with my imaginary blindfolds.
Each time God removes one, He reveals another part of the beautiful picture of my life.
And I also think that the removal of each blindfold not only reveals the picture, but it may even alter it.
Like everything I go through that ends up in the removal of one or more blindfolds, changes who I will be.
And what the picture of my life will look like.

When our lives are done, not every blindfold be gone.
I know that there will still be things in our lives that will never be revealed to us before we die.
Like, what color nothing was before God created color...
And other things that we can't ever answer here on earth, with our earthly knowledge.
But what is revealed when we are done living, will be amazing.

1 comment:

Nikki Pruitt said...

Do not ever say that you are not brilliant again..
You and Aaron Wagner are the most brilliant people I know.. I'm amazed! I don't even want to write a blog anymore because you two are just so brilliant I feel dumb. Heh. I love you.