Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My Church Life

This blog is totally random.. but I was talking to my friend about church, and how we chose the one we attend now...

Here's my church life in a nutshell...

"I love my church. It's so easy to hang with God there.
I went to a church closer to my house for like... 6 years. Then we realized that it was going no where fast. Then they fired our youth pastor with no intention of getting a new one. So we left and we were without a church for 9 months... It was pretty terrible... Then we found Rock Family and loved it. So we've been there a little over a year. It's also where most of my real friends are.

At my old church, we were never challenged to actually live for God... we were just told to come to church and listen to the pastor say exactly what he said last week... and then we were considered good people.
Rock Family and Northe actually INSPIRE me... rather than just telling me what I should know, they tell me what I should know, and how to live it out, and how to teach other people to live it out in a godly way."

So yeah... sorry that was... yes. My blog is actually not meant to entertain you... it's more for me to get whatever out of my head... and be able to read later.

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