Tuesday, July 22, 2008

People Let Me Tell Ya...

So let me tell you about this friend I have... I met her... about four years ago when I was in 6th grade, attending Pikes Peak School of Expeditionary Learning. I met Nikki Pruitt in my sixth grade, and she was in 7th because she had skipped ahead. We talked like... twice that entire year. So then came 7th grade for me. The 7th and 8th grade classes had been mixed together, then split in half. So some 8th graders were in a class with some 7th graders... for two classes. Nikki Pruitt was put in my class... and she very suddenly became my best friend. Since then, she's the person I have seen the most outside of scheduled events (school, youth group, etc.). We share almost too many interests and partake in many of the same activities. We enjoy doing so many things together, and we always have so so so so so much fun together! We are both running after God with all our hearts, and love youth group. =] So there's the intro... hahah...

So the other day, we both attended the Desperation service where we were called to reveal our secrets... My secret was the fear of love... (explained in last post). My brothers had recently found these bikes that they wanted to buy, but they were only in the Wal-Mart in the town 12 miles from my house, where Nikki lives.
My mother knows just how much I love Nikki, and how I give up... a ton just to be with her for a day... so she had a plan: she'd drive to Wal-Mart, me and my two brothers in the car... but before shopping for the bikes, she'd leave me at Nikki's house so I could be with her while they were shopping.
I called Nikki and asked her what she thought about this, and she agreed that it was a lovely idea. Her, and her two sisters, Alyssa and Mel, were already shopping at that same Wal-Mart.
When we got there, Nikki ran out to greet me.. we danced in circles in the parking lot for a few seconds.... Literally... we danced =P And I accidentally smacked her with my bag... so we stopped. Haha... so then we walked into the store with my mother and brothers, and found Mel and Alyssa right inside the door...
So the four of us went to Nikki's house in Alyssa's car. =D Happy day!
And it turns out... the reason I had my bag (sorry I didn't say this earlier) was because I was invited to stay the night at the Pruitt's house!!!
When we got there... we made diner then sat and watched some show that I don't even remember... When Nikki and I were done eating, we decided to walk to the park near their house. We had also found one of those... drainage tunnels... where water runs through when it rains... but this one was big!!! We could stand up in it! Hah which isn't saying a lot about how tall it is... because we're short... but... anyway, we sat in there for a little... then went back to the park to swing... then home.

The greatest part about being with Nikki, is talking to her... and hahah it's funny... the best talking we ever do, is when we're in bed trying to fall asleep... but haha we just keep talking...
We talked about everything that had been going on in out rlives lately, deep things, stupid things, silly things... everything. So I decided that I was ready to tell Nikki my secret from Desperation. I hadn't told anyone before this other than Aaron Wagner, and my blog. So I told her my secret... and she freaked out! I thought she was going to start laughing hysterically... which she did... but only because... my secret, was the exact same as hers!!!!!! So we got quite excited! I can't even explain how excited we were... I almost broke my $160 phone... hahaha I was excited! I love her so much!

That's all.... =P

Thanking God for Nikki,

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