Monday, January 30, 2012


Made it back from Aspen! We're home! Yay soft beds, showers and laundry! Don't get me wrong, though! Our X-Games experience was amazing!!! Street ministry every night! Loving and ministering to people at the venue! Amazing! I met a lot of drunk people. There was one instance when a drunk guy in his early to mid-twenties was sitting on the bus across from one of our staff members, Stephan Cheateams. The drunk guy leaned over an bumped Cheats and said, "you're stupid. You're so stupid!" A little later he said, "you're beautiful." We got to a stop and Te lights came on and the drunk guy realized Cheats was a man so he pointed to the door and said, "get off!" then we started going again and he pulled out his phone and shined the light on Cheats, put it away, then leaned over and threw up in his own hood. At this point I had to turn away and continued praying for this guy's safety. If he thought Cheats was a girl, he could easily get into some bad situations. I also met a completely sober guy who actually saw Jesus Freaks last year, which is a video/documentary of the Boarders DTS that took place in 2007! It was cool finding people all weekend that knew who we were. Pretty awesome! We did a lot of really great evangelism all weekend! We also got to experience the X-Games! I witnessed the first snowmobile front flip on competition history! And I saw Shaun White score a perfect 100 on his VICTORY lap after he knew he had already won. Pretty insane. I also smacked him in he ribs as he walked by. All kinds of fun in Aspen! Now we're back at Eagle Rock and in about 36 minutes we're driving down to Arvada to get our laundry cleaned, then when we get back, I get to shower and sleep!!! So excited!

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