Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Today has been Spectacular!!! And here's why...

Woke up to a snowglobe kind of snowfall! Beautiful outside! Maybe a foot of powder by now! SICK! Breakfast was lovely! Made more friends, deeper friends. There are amazing people here! We had quiet time for an hour after breakfast where God knit together a couple of great things that He has shared with me lately but I never got the connection. I did this morning!! Worship was awesome! Since we got dumped on with snow, the worship team wasn't able to make it up today, so one of the staff members, who has never lead worship, lead us in an awesome time of praise and worship and just crying out to God! InCREDIBLE! It's been good! We learned more about each outreach and tips from Sinque on fundraising for our missions trip! I'm so stoked for everything God has for us here! We had lunch and I did clean up which was quite like being back at Jamba and Camp Elim combined. Pretty neat! Then we went to the Big House and all of us crammed into a semi-large room and the staff began sharing their testimonies. Incredible people of God from all kinds of pasts are leading my DTS! And I am so blessed to have them! Then the students started and I learned a lot about these great people! We only got through a few people before we started running into our dinner time. So we'll finish up later. Which is good, because I should probably at least make an outline for mine. Otherwise, I know I'll be all over the place. Haha! So yes. SO! I sat and fellowshipped with Mike, Joab, Katie, Stephan, Michael, Aaron, and Victor for dinner and it was great! Love these people! Right now, people are shredding it up on a box, rail, and a makeshift wallride and it's amazing! Some of these guys are INSANE! Already seen a couple of flips today! Ridiculous! I didn't hit out little park today because I want to be alive for our riding this weekend! YAY! God loves you and you are His beautiful creation!"Beautiful Things" by Gungor.

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