Sunday, January 15, 2012

Good Day!!!

I anticipate many of these in my future! Woke up a little late, my hair is OUT of CONTROL! No big deal. Breakfast, packed a lunch, which I ate two hours later, on the bus. Headed to Breck! Great riding, the snow was a little sketchy and there was quite a bit of ice, but I stayed upright all day long! Success! We all got bags of cookies to hand out to the liftees and the ski patrol guys! They love us now! Every sunday we do Sercive on The Hill, which is basically church service on the hill! We all met up at one for lovely, simple worship, a message by John and Katie and fellowship, then we did a community ride down, meaning we all (about 40 of us) ride down the same slope together, trying no to run over or get run over. Quite fun! So much fun! I somehow got stuck with all the skiers. I was the only boarder, so naturally conflict arose, all in the name of love. Haha it was a good time! Bus ride back was fun. Everyone sharing music and talking about how to pronounce certain words. Like Hammock! And the Packers lost. Bummer. And no one understand where I'm from, because I was born in to a Wisconsin family, but I was born in Mexico, and I lived in Morocco and France, but I'm from Colorado. I'm an American and Mexican citizen, so no one knows where I'm from. Hahah Ahh the humor. Anyways, time for homework and sleep! We get to do laundry and have class at the Arvada base tomorrow! Yay!

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