Wednesday, January 18, 2012

This is Really Awesome

Today was our second official day of class, taught by Jeff Pratt, on the Father Heart of God. Amazing. We are learning about how we build walls around our hearts with bricks like guilt, rejection, fear a man, etc. and these things keep us from fully experiencing the freedom and joy of Jesus. We dug into our past to find out why we do the things we do and why we have grown numb in areas. Real heart work is going on here! It's going to be so liberating tomorrow during practical application. Tonight there was an optional outreach called Kingdom Night. Only one can full of us chose to go, but we met up with more YWAM-ers once we got down the mountain. When we got to our destination on 16th Street Mall, we started worshipping God for His wonderful character and His amazing love. Instantly, people were drawn, that's where the fun happened! We branched out, invited people in, gave out free hot chocolate, and made friends. All kinds of people came to see what we were up to! I talked to and prayed for and with many people who were walking down the street. It's amazing how many people will put aside their agenda to feed curiosity. I'm just so glad we caused something worth being curious about! I met a very wide spectrum of people; homeless, drunk, businessmen, students, children, teens, drug addicts. You name it. And I got to pray with them! Do you realize that when you minister to one person in a particular people group, that whole group can be touched. So why not minister to one person from every people group?! It was great! So great that we ran way late and actually just got home about 20 minutes ago. That's 50 minutes after we were supposed to be getting ready for bed. Any complaints? Definitely not! Tomorrow might be different, though, when we have breakfast at 7:30. Posh! We'll be fine! Haha goodnight.

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