Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day of Riding and Fellowshipping

Because I'm exhausted! We got up early, breakfast, drove to Keystone, rode long and hard all day, I rode with a bunch of people for the first half, then I took a turn and my friends went a different direction so I lost them and waited at the bottom for about twenty minutes, then rode the lift to the top and waited there a while. Finally I found Ashley, Alecia, Mike, Jannelle, Simon and Victor. I rode with then until we lost Alecia and Mike, but the remaining five of us stuck together for the rest of the day, picking up Michael every now and then. We got to tell all kinds of people about our school and why so many of us from so many different places are all in one place, and such great, loving friends! Planted lots of seeds today! And then we made dinner and ate t while watching the Broncos play terribly, then say in the Big House and fellowshipped. This is a wonderful place.

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