Friday, January 13, 2012

First Day of Riding!

Today rocked. First of all, we had an early breakfast at 6:45, then we packed all of our snowboarding (and some skiing) gear into the trailer, loaded ourselves into the van and headed down to the Arvada base! We arrived during the other two schools' quiet time so most of us went to Safeway. I bought gorilla glue so I could attempt to glue the back padding into my bindings. Then we had an AMAZING time in worship with all three schools and all the staff, and then a great teaching by Peter Warren on the way to Holy Spirit moves and works in us. Great word! It's wonderful how much we engage in corporate prayer here! In not even a week, we have become a family. Encouraging words are as numerous as the trees on the Rocky Mountains! Plus more! We then met with only Boarders DTS and went over logistics of the trip ahead. Another quick trip to Safeway for snacks and such and he headed up the mountain towards Keystone around 12:30. The bus ride up was great! I always dreaded bus rides because I'd always sit alone, or with someone who didn't want to talk to me, but these people are different. We have become such a family, growing and residing in God. It truly defies today's view on our generation! I LOVE it! Riding was amazing. I don't think I have ever gone so fast! I went very fast. And I started jumping more and did much better than I ever have, and much better than I expected to! Especially on my first real day of riding in quite some time! I, surprisingly, saw very few other YWAMers in passing on the mountain and stuck with the same general four or five people. One of my fellow riders got hurt from a fall and three of us began to pray for his healing. Seconds after we said, "amen." other BDTS students and staff began showing up out of nowhere! As a family, we all gathered around and prayed for him more. Prayer never goes unheard, and never unanswered, as far as I'm concerned. Though he was not healed instantly, the pain lessened and he was able to ride down the mountain by himself. I was disappointed, of course, that he wasn't healed on the spot, but me, always looking for the light, thought about how awesome it was to go without seeing the other riders from BDTS all day, then suddenly, the community was needed and we gathered in a flash to pray for our brother! God is lovely, and He is loving. Though I don't always understand Him, I trust Him with everything He has given me. I know it is all in the greatest of hands!

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