Saturday, January 21, 2012


Sorry to all two of you who read my blog, (I love you, mom!) for I have not kept up very well! But! I have an excuse! First of all, the Internet has been down. Pretty good excuse, I'd say! Second, we have been busy! Two days ago, we had class taught by Jeff Pratt on the Father Heart of God. It was amazing. We also had practical application during which we were freed from many things (bricks) that created a wall around our hearts. Wonderful!!! That night, I got to take care of the Murphy kids and make adventure maps in their house with them! Then later, all the girls got to spend a night on the town and get dessert from a sweet restaurant to celebrate Jen's birthday. Tons of fun!

Yesterday, we had worship (superb) and class, and continued with testimonies. We only have five or six left! So close! We are becoming quite the family! And I love it! Last night, I was the student of many as their tried to teach me how to play ping pong. Didn't go so well, but it was fun!

Today, we went snowboarding! On the way, one of the vans broke down so we frolicked on the side of the road and it was so much fun. So funnn! Got a great video. I'll post it. When we finally got the van fixed, we decided to go to Keystone instead of Vail and it was awesome! And now, I am so exhausted!!! So... Goodnight!

Here's a link to the video:

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