Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I don't apologize for slacking on here... Sorry.

Ha! Paradox. Anyways! Yesterday we went down to the Arvada base for worship, intercession and class. Our speaker this week is Greg DeVries, teaching on evangelism! STOKED! We are weeks worth of class in three days so we can be better prepared for our X-Games outreach! It's going to be amazing! I am expecting such great things for our time there. Sleeping on the floor of a church is going to be wonderful. I love living with less when I know it is for the Glory of my God! Anyways!!! After class, we did our laundry, I always have fun at laundry mats, I discovered. I like them and I think they're nifty and great for pictures! Then we went to the mall to get supplies for the X-Games, but I didn't need anything so I bought gauges. Yep. For my ears. Then we came home and slept.

Today! We had class taught by Greg on walking in the Spirit while we're evangelizing (which should be always) and being sensitive to where the Holy Spirit is and what the Holy Spirit wants to do through our willingness to serve. I cannot wait to hear the Spirit clearly while I'm going about my life and act on it, then see radicals things happen because of it. Ahh! SO EXCITED! After class and lunch, then class, we had work duties, during which, Alecia and I went to the Murphy's cabin to help Bethany clean and watch the children. They're a joyful bunch! I love them all so much! Then dinner, then we had the option to watch "Jesus Freaks," an hour long documentary on the Boarders DTS of 2007. It was awesome! And afterwards, the joyful, community centered atmosphere and the general friendliness of our group tripled. Nothing like an awesome video to boost moral. Then a couple of students and staff and I gathered for a Bible study in the dining hall to study the book of Joshua! We plan on meeting every Tuesday night to dive into what we believe to be our generation's calling to be Joshua leaders.

I'm exactly where I want to be, doing exactly what I want to be doing, and it feels amazing.

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