Thursday, January 12, 2012


Breakfast was lovely. I love these people! During quiet time, I began reading "Making Jesus Lord" by Loren Cunningham with Janice Rogers. The first two or three chapters (because that's all I've read thus far) are all about giving up all your rights to God. Since everything I have is originally from Him, it should still belong to Him. He gave me these gifts so that I may give them back to Him to show Him my love!!! Thank you SO MUCH, GOD! I am so blessed that you gave me the means to do my best to show Him how much I really, really love Him!!! I, not too long ago, gave Him my right to choosing my spouse, that is, of course, if I get married at all. And after that, I felt amazingly free! So free. I don't have to pick and choose throught the plethora of men in this world. I know that God will pick the best when I let Him choose for me. And if the best is to not get married, so be it! I love God none the less! More, actually. I love Him. And this is amazing! I relinquish it all to Him, because it's better in His hands anyway!

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